Why We Created NudgeMail
We created NudgeMail for a simple reason – we really needed it.
Let me explain more fully.
I hate having a cluttered inbox. It bothers me. Maybe more than it should. Having a pile of messages staring at me whenever I checked my email really got on my nerves.
I am the Founding Partner of Stage Two, where I manage a handful of employees and a swath of clients. On any given day I can get anywhere from dozens to hundreds of emails (typically the latter). I do my best to deal with most of them, but many messages are simply not actionable right away. Messages that I needed to deal with later just sit in my inbox.
And they cluttered it up.
And they aggravated me.
It was hard to find messages when I needed to. Sometimes things would slip through the digital cracks. Did I mention the psychological angst associated with my cluttered, unactionable inbox? Oh, there was angst.
I tried setting up reminder systems but to no avail. Either I had to remember to visit their web sites, or download plug-ins, or widgets, or apps, or in some way break from my flow of email. Further, there weren’t any solid solutions that would fit across all my platforms (in my case an iPad, a home laptop, an office desktop, and an Android phone). This is key, because for me, email is the one guaranteed center of my business (and often personal) life.
Any time I had to leave email to find out what else was going on with my world, productivity started to dip.
I felt like I was working twice as hard to manage my email, my calendar and my online time manager.
It was too much effort for too little benefit. I needed something that was simple.
Like dead simple.
That is when I had the “A-HA” moment and created NudgeMail. An email based reminder service that took all the clutter out of my inbox and works across all of my devices. There is no software to download and no account to set up.
I am pleased to announce the private beta of NudgeMail, the easy, convenient way to send yourself email reminders. NudgeMail is completely secure and we will never access, sell, look at or distribute the emails you send through the system.
We built NudgeMail to help people organize their inboxes – fast.
November 6, 2010 @ 10:41 pm
You’re speaking my language! I identify fully with email clutter and associated angst. I am trying out Nudgemail.