Why is Uncubed email coming from Nudgemail?
Uncubed has partnered with Nudgemail to offer users a simple solution to a complicated problem: snoozing email. Every Uncubed email is packed with useful tidbits. Most of us can not deal with all of it at the exact moment the email arrives. Instead of marking the email as unread (leading to inbox overload), adding a star or just forgetting about it, Nudgemail lets you snooze the email for hours, days or even weeks, until you have time to revisit the job opportunity, tutorial or other gems you read about. Nudgemail is the mechanism that makes it possible.
What is Nudgemail?
Nudgemail is an easy way to snooze emails and remind yourself about things from any device using any email address. Say you read something in an Uncubed email that you want to take action on later, click the snooze time that works for you and we will redeliver that newsletter to you later. Or, if you want to send yourself a reminder to pick up milk on the way home from work tomorrow – just email nudge@Nudgemail.com with the subject “Tomorrow” and your note to yourself in the body (click here for an example).
Nudgemail also lets you set reminders by forwarding emails you need to deal with later. Just forward your email to, let’s say,530pm@Nudgemail.com to get it back at 5:30 that afternoon. You can also use tomorrow@Nudgemail.com, Monday@Nudgemail.com, nextweek@Nudgemail.com and many more common sense commands found here.
How do I use other Nudgemail commands?
We’ve made our system almost as smart as our users, so we wanted to give you a quick command for setting reminders. To use the “nudge” command, just email nudge@Nudgemail.com with your reminder time in the subject line. (click here for an example).
How do I use other Nudgemail commands?
It’s as easy as sending your email to __________@Nudgemail.com. Tomorrow, nextweek, Friday, Aug20th, 530pm – pretty much whatever day, date, or time you like. We’ve also built in some cool commands such as settings@ (lets you see and change your settings), vacation@ (lets you turn on vacation mode), snooze@ (lets you snooze any email for 1 hour), EOD@ (sends you a reminder at 6:00pm), and even 2d1h30m@ (sends you an email in however many days, hours, or minutes you like). Check out all of the commands here.
Why are there two ways to use Nudgemail?
Because we know people are like beautiful snowflakes – no two are the same. We’ve tried to build our system to make it as easy as possible for anyone to fire up their email and set reminders quickly in any way they like.
How do I turn off Nudgemail for good?
If you really want to stop receiving Nudgemail reminders, simply email unsubscribe@Nudgemail.com and, if you have any further issues, please always feel free to contact us at support@Nudgemail.com.
How do I change my time zone?
Nudgemail automatically detects your time zone when you set a reminder. However, if you are running into issues with your time zone, email settings@Nudgemail.com and follow the time zone link provided.
I’m not seeing my Nudgemail correctly. Is there a plain text version with no images?
Yes, you can turn on plain text Nudgemail by emailing plain@Nudgemail.com.
Do I get unlimited Nudgemails?
Yes. Pretty awesome, eh?
Can I add attachments?
Not yet. If you send us an email with an attachment, you should get a friendly reminder that your attachment won’t be sent back to you and will not be saved. We are working to support attachments in the near future, so keep an eye out.
Is Nudgemail safe?
You bet. We wouldn’t be doing this if we hadn’t made absolutely sure that your emails will never be accessed or viewed by anyone but you. You can read more about our security here, and check out our privacy policy here.
My command doesn’t work; what should I do?
We built Nudgemail to recognize most commands, but we’re sure we missed a few. If you want a quick fix, just visit our “How To” page to find the right command for you. If you came up with a command you think we should add, feel free to email support@Nudgemail.com. Don’t email nudgedepartment@Nudgemail.com unless you are a robot.
What mail programs does Nudgemail work with?
The short answer is “all of them”. The long answer is “Alllll of theeeemmm”. We’ve tested Nudgemail with iPhones, Androids, Mac Mail, Outlook, GMail, Hotmail, AOL Mail – everything we could think of. Even a Nokia phone that plays Snake. If you have access to email, you can use Nudgemail. Whether it’s on your desktop, laptop, iPhone, Droid, iPad, or any other device connected to the interwebs, Nudgemail is there for you.
I’m not in the United States – will Nudgemail work for me?
Yes! We are currently building support for multiple languages, but for the time being you’ll have to put up with all of our emails coming to you in English.