DYK #3
You can change the time when you receive your NudgeMails by sending an email with your desired time in the subject (e.g. 8:45 am) to nudgetime@nudgemail.com.
You can change the time when you receive your NudgeMails by sending an email with your desired time in the subject (e.g. 8:45 am) to nudgetime@nudgemail.com.
You can snooze any NudgeMail by responding to your reminder with the word SNOOZE in the subject or first line of your reply email.
You can set a NudgeMail for a specific date by entering the Month (MM), day (DD), and year (YYYY) before your @NudgeMail.com – (e.g. August 20th, 2011 is written as 08202011@NudgeMail.com
Remember everything!
Seriously, whether it’s following up on a good lead or picking up your anniversary present, with NudgeMail you have no excuse.
Works in your email
Using NudgeMail is entirely done within email, which is the way you do all of your other work. No need to go to a website, just keep working the way you are used to.
No need to register
NudgeMail has no sign-up or sign-in, no passwords, no usernames, no software, apps, plug-ins, downloads or any other barriers to keep you from setting reminders. It just works.
Reduce email clutter
Inbox clogged with stuff you gotta do later? NudgeMail lets you set reminders by the hour, day, week, month, or even year so you can decide when to deal with important emails.
Works at home or
on the road
NudgeMail has been tested with almost every email-capable device in the world.
NudgeMail brings you one step closer to 100% email efficiency!
There are 2 easy ways to get started fast with NudgeMail:
1. You can send any email to nudge@NudgeMail.com with almost any reminder time in the subject line.
2. You can also forward any email to almost any reminder address (tomorrow@, friday@, nextweek@, 1h@, and many more) to get your NudgeMail back when you want it!