DYK #13
If you have daily status updates turned on (daily@NudgeMail.com), you can turn them off by emailing nodaily@NudgeMail.com.
If you have daily status updates turned on (daily@NudgeMail.com), you can turn them off by emailing nodaily@NudgeMail.com.
You can delete your history of sent NudgeMails by sending an email to delhist@NudgeMail.com or clearhistory@NudgeMail.com.
If you ever need help, you can email help@NudgeMail.com – isn’t that easy?
You can get a handy-dandy list of all NudgeMail commands by sending an email to commands@NudgeMail.com.
You can see a list of all your old NudgeMails by sending an email to history@NudgeMail.com.
You can delete all of your pending NudgeMails in one fell swoop by sending an email to delete-all@NudgeMail.com.
You can turn international mode off (date format MMDDYYYY) by sending an email to monthfirst@NudgeMail.com.
You can turn on international mode (date format DDMMYYYY) by sending an email to dayfirst@NudgeMail.com.
You can see a list of all your pending NudgeMails by sending an email to status@NudgeMail.com.
You can receive daily status updates of all pending NudgeMails by sending an email to daily@NudgeMail.com.